Sunday, 10 February 2013

Friends are like biscuits.

It’s hard to be sure of anything when you question life and your entire subsistence, but one thing I have grown to be sure of in my worst year of existence yet is that friends are the most effective life-support systems. 
When you are plugged into your friends it is nigh on impossible for your heart not to long to beat, to share that ‘in joke’, to laugh hysterically until a little bit of pee comes out, to be unashamedly, whole heartedly who you are and to feel loved for being that person. 

And you just have to live for those tiny moments until things start to look up. These moments are what drag me out of bed in the mornings and these moments fight back against the darkness that is constantly fogging up my mind.
I dedicate this blog to my friends. I owe them my life so this is, I know, a pretty poor alternative. Although I do not care much for my life now, they assure me that one day, I'll be glad that I didn't manage to poison myself with paracetamol.
I shall leave you with a parting parable: As (procrastination central) wisely said: ‘you can be miserable before you eat a biscuit, you can be miserable after you eat a biscuit but you can never be miserable while eating a biscuit’. It’s the same with friends. 

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